11g R2 RAC has extremely simplified the process of adding a node to the cluster as compared to 10g RAC or 11g R1 RAC. To know the procedure to add a node in 10g RAC or 11g R1 RAC pls visit click here.
Now, after the introduction of SCAN and GPNP, we need to follow very simple steps.
Current scenario:
I have two nodes in the cluster presently.
Host names :
- host01.example.com
- host02.example.com
Node to be added :
- host03.example.com
Prepare the machine for third node
— Set kernel parameters
— Install required rpm’s
— Create users/groups
— configure oracleasm
root@host03#oracleasm configure -i
oracleasm exit
oracleasm init
oracleasm scandisks
oracleasm listdisks
all asm disks will be listed
– Configure ssh connectivity for grid user among all 3 nodes –
– On node3 as grid user
[grid@host03 .ssh]$ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-keygen -t dsa
cd /home/grid/.ssh
cat *.pub > host03
scp host03 host01:/home/grid/.ssh/
[grid@host03 .ssh] $ssh host01
– Enter password
[grid@host01 ~]$cd /home/grid/.ssh
cat host03 >> authorized_keys
scp authorized_keys host02:/home/grid/.ssh/
scp authorized_keys host03:/home/grid/.ssh/
– Test ssh connectivity on all 3 nodes as grid user –
– run following on all 3 nodes twice as grid user–
echo ssh host01 hostname >> a.sh
echo ssh host02 hostname >> a.sh
echo ssh host03 hostname >> a.sh
echo ssh host01-priv hostname >> a.sh
echo ssh host02-priv hostname >> a.sh
echo ssh host03-priv hostname >> a.sh
chmod +x a.sh
– Run cluster verify to check that host03 can be added as node –
grid host01# cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n host03 -verbose
– if time synchronization problem, restart ntpd service on each node
– Error grid is not a member of dba group – ignore
grid@host01 ~]$. oraenv –+ASM1
[grid@host01 ~]$ cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/oui/bin
– Add node
[grid@host01 bin]$./addNode.sh -silent “CLUSTER_NEW_NODES={host03}” “CLUSTER_NEW_VIRTUAL_HOSTNAMES={host03-vip}”
– Execute oraInstroot.sh and root.sh on node3 as root –
– check from host01 that node has been added –
host01 grid > crsctl stat res -t
– Start any resources if they are not up already –
host01 grid > crsctl start resource <resource name>
After you have added a node, in case you want to clone database home on that node, please click here.
Its really nice
bro i have running ./addnode.sh script on oracle user connect to grid user [oracle@rac3]$cd $GRID_HOME/oui/bin then run script ./addnode .sh but its takes 10 and more why its take 10hrs or more time
sorry its connect to grid_home not grid user
Also, we need to update /etc/hosts with new hostname, private and virtual.. Then copy the same file to other nodes..
Hi Gyanendra
You are correct. We need to update DNS / /etc/hosts with the new hostname. In my set up I was using DNS in which entry for host03 was already there.
Anju Garg
awesome article keep it up:) we need more articles like this ,
Hi I am getting below error but I see /et6c/resolv.conf on both nodes havce same entry and I am not using DNS server
File “/etc/resolv.conf” does not have both domain and search entries defined
domain entry in file “/etc/resolv.conf” is consistent across nodes
search entry in file “/etc/resolv.conf” is consistent across nodes
All nodes have one search entry defined in file “/etc/resolv.conf”
PRVF-5636 : The DNS response time for an unreachable node exceeded “15000” ms on following nodes: oratst01,oratst03
File “/etc/resolv.conf” is not consistent across nodes
Checking VIP configuration.
Checking VIP Subnet configuration.
Check for VIP Subnet configuration passed.
Checking VIP reachability
Check for VIP reachability passed.
Pre-check for node addition was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
Pls refer to following post:
Hope it helps
Hi Anju
when adding node do we need to install Grid and RDBMS home ? As per your blog not installing any binary . How does addnode.sh work ? Please clarify
Hi Basheer,
addnode.sh is available in both grid home and database home. It copies binaries for the respective home to the new node and also installs the same.
Hi anju, when adding new node its copies grid and oracle homes . Here my question is it needed to stop my oracle database and services.
Hi Surya,
There is no need to stop oracle database and services while adding new node.
Anju Garg