What is a service?
Benefits of services:
– Services make the work more manageable, measurable, tunable and recoverable.
– Services provide an abstraction layer and permit clients and middle tiers to access required data from the database independent of where the instances reside.
– Dynamic: As the load increases/reduces, the number of instances supporting a service can be increased/decreased accordingly.
- High availability : In case an instance crashes, the services supported by it failover to another surviving instance.
- Tuning and Monitoring Aid
. Tracing can be enabled for all the sessions who connect using a service: This can be used to identify the culprit SQL statements issued by the users connected via a service. . Performance statistics are collected and aggregated by service: This can be used to find out the performance of all the sessions belonging to a service.
. Two Performance thresholds can be specified for a service: SERVICE_ELAPSED_TIME and SERVICE_CPU_TIME: The AWR monitors the service time and CPU time and publishes alerts when the performance esceeds the thresholds. In response to these alerts, you can change the priority of a job, stop overloaded process , or relocate, expand, shrink , start or stop a service.
- Resource Management Aid : We can bind resource consumer groups to services. The users who connect using a service will get the resources as per the allocation specified for the respective consumer group in the active resource plan. For example, if OLTP and BATCH services are defined to run on the same instance and our requirement is as follows:
. During day time OLTP users should get more resources whereas BATCH users should get less resources
We can have two consumer groups : OLTP_GRP mapped to OLTP service and
We can have two resource plans :
– If service is mapped to a consumer group, the jobs will get the resources as per the allocation specified for the respective consumer group in the active resource plan. If jobs of a job class are taking more time than desired, we can change the consumer group mapping of the respective service to one with more resources.
– If the instance running the jobs of a job class crashes, the services on the crashed instance fail over to another instance and all the jobs of the job class mapped to thst service also failover along with it.
– Using Transparent Application Failover: When a node crashes, all the services running on the instance hosted by that node fail over to another instance. From now onwards, the users who try to connect using failed over services will connect to the instances supporting that service. But what happens to the sessions who were already connected using that service at the time of crash? That is decided by the TAF (Transparent application Failover) policy which can be defined for the service. We can have 3 types of TAF policies : Basic, Preconnect and None.
PRECONNECT failover. In this approach, the application simultaneously connects to both a primary and a backup node. This offers faster failover, because a pre-spawned connection is ready to use. But the extra connection adds everyday overhead by duplicating connections.
SELECT failover. With SELECT failover, Oracle Net keeps track of all SELECT statements issued during the transaction, tracking how many rows have been fetched back to the client for each cursor associated with a SELECT statement. If the connection to the instance is lost, Oracle Net establishes a connection to another Oracle RAC node and re-executes the SELECT statements, repositioning the cursors so the client can continue fetching rows as if nothing has happened. The SELECT failover approach is best for data warehouse systems that perform complex and time-consuming transactions.
- Transactional statements. Transactions involving INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements are not supported by TAF.
- ALTER SESSION statements. ALTER SESSION and SQL*Plus SET statements do not fail over.
- Transactions using temporary segments in the TEMP tablespace and global temporary tables do not fail over.
- PL/SQL package states. PL/SQL package states are lost during failover.
11G R2 RAC Index
Instance Recovery In RAC
Job Failover In RAC
Service Created Using EM Does Not Update DD or OCR