Speaking at SANGAM 2015

AIOUG meet “SANGAM  – Meeting of Minds” is the Largest Independent Oracle Event in India, organized annually in the month of November. This year’s Sangam (Sangam15 - 7th Annual Oracle Users Group Conference) will be held in Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad on Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd November 2015.

I will be speaking at this year’s SANGAM about Oracle Database 12c new feature : Highly Available NFS (HANFS) over ACFS.

HANFS over ACFS enables highly available NFS servers to be configured using Oracle ACFS clusters. The NFS exports are exposed through Highly Available VIPs (HAVIPs), and this allows Oracle’s Clusterware agents to ensure that HAVIPs and NFS exports are always available. If the node hosting the export(s) fails, the corresponding HAVIP and hence its corresponding NFS export(s) will automatically fail over to one of the surviving nodes so that the NFS client continues to receive uninterrupted service of NFS exported paths.

My session will be held on Saturday November 21, 2015  from 5:10pm to 6:00pm in
Hall 5 (Ground Floor). 

Hope to meet you there!!



6 thoughts on “Speaking at SANGAM 2015

  1. Hi Anju Garg,
    I would be very happy to meet you at Sangam and listen from you about HANFS, unfortunately it’s very far from here.
    I don’t know if it’s possible but I would like to read a copy of your paper.
    I want to tell you I appreciate a lot what and how you do in your site.
    Have my best regards.

    1. Hi Lottini,

      I have been experimenting with HANFS over ACFS in cluster test setup. I have written articles illustrating configuration of HANFS and its various features. First article in the series was published in IOUG Select journal Q3 issue which you can access at http://www.slideshare.net/AnjuGarg1/oracle-acfs-high-availability-nfs-services-hanfs5-anju-garg.

      After I have presented at Sangam, you will be able to access the presentation at sangam website or you can contact me for the same.

      Thanks for your feedback and time.

      Hope it helps.


Your comments and suggestions are welcome!