Let’s see how to access EM express for various types of databases.
Oracle 12c has introduced multitenant architecture in which we can have different types of databases:
– CDB’s
– PDB’s
– Non CDB’s
Let’s see how to access EM express for various types of databases:
Accessing EM express for CDB’s
At the root container, data is displayed for the entire CDB, and all actions taken impact all containers. Data pertaining to a PDB, such as a user or a SQL statement, is qualified with the container name. The actions a user can perform at the root container include:
– viewing and setting initialization parameters;
– administering common users and privileges; and
– managing memory configuration, undo information and redo logs.
- Find out the port on which EM Express is configured:
Three methods are available:
1. When dbca completes, note down the the port on which EM Express is configured as displayed.
2.Find out status of the listener
[oracle@em12c /]$ lsnrctl status
(output trimmed)
Listening Endpoints Summary...
3. Login to CDB as issue the sql query as follows:
SQL> conn sys/oracle@cdb1 as sysdba
select dbms_xdb_config.gethttpsport from dual;
- Access EM express by entering following URL in the browser:
Accessing EM express for PDB’s
When a user is connected to a PDB, data is displayed only for the container in question, and actions only impact that container.
- Login to PDB
SQL> alter session set container=pdb1; sho con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ PDB1
- Configure the port (5501) for EM express as follows:
SQL> exec dbms_xdb_config.sethttpsport(5501);
- Confirm that EM has been configured on specified port (1501)
SQL> select dbms_xdb_config.gethttpsport from dual;
- Access EM express by entering following URL in the browser:
Accessing EM express for Non-CDB’s
For a non- CDB, and all actions a user can perform in a non-CDB are available:
– viewing and setting initialization parameters;
– administering common users and privileges;
– managing memory configuration, undo information and redo logs.
– managing tablespaces etc.
- Find out the port on which EM Express is configured:
Two methods are available:
1. When dbca completes, note down the the port on which EM Express is configured as displayed.
2. Login to non-CDB (Note container name as Non consolidated)
SQL> conn sys/oracle@ncdb as sysdba
sho con_name
Non Consolidated
- Issue the sql query as follows:
select dbms_xdb_config.gethttpsport from dual;
- Access EM express by entering following URL in the browser:
Above method will work if non-CDB is registered with the default listener running on port 1521. In case non-CDB is registered with the non-default listener, please follow the method as given in this post.
How to Configure EM Express For A Single PDB?
Related Links:
12c: Unable To Access EM Express For Non-CDB
Error : NMO not setuid-root (Unix Only)