Monthly Archives: April 2016

java.lang nullpointerexception While Installing RAC Database Software

I have an Oracle cluster having following 5 nodes :

  • Hub Nodes : host01, host02, host03
  • Leaf nodes: host04 and host05

I wanted to install RAC database software on the 3 hub nodes i.e. host01, host02 and host03.

I invoked the OUI as oracle user (Owner of Database Home)

[oracle@host01 database_12_1_0_2]$ ./runInstaller

and chose the option to install RAC database software only on the 3 hub nodes.

After all the pre-requisite checks were successful , I clicked the Install button.
I got the error: java.lang nullpointerexception

On clicking OK, the OUI aborted.

To troubleshoot, I ran the OUI in debug mode as :

[oracle@host01 database_12_1_0_2]$ ./runInstaller -debug -J-DTRACING.ENABLED=true -J-DTRACING.LEVEL=2 -J-DSRVM_TRACE_LEVEL=2 -J-DFULLTRACE

The trace file showed that the leaf node host05 was not responding:

[setup.flowWorker] [ 2016-04-18 14:33:22.771 IST ]
[CRSCTLUtil.getClusterNodeConfigRoles:1198] outputs[4] = CRS-4404: The following nodes did not reply within the allotted time:
[setup.flowWorker] [ 2016-04-18 14:33:22.772 IST ]
[CRSCTLUtil.getClusterNodeConfigRoles:1200] values length = 2
[setup.flowWorker] [ 2016-04-18 14:33:22.772 IST ]
[CRSCTLUtil.getClusterNodeConfigRoles:1198] outputs[5] = host05
[setup.flowWorker] [ 2016-04-18 14:33:22.772 IST ]
[CRSCTLUtil.getClusterNodeConfigRoles:1200] values length = 1

I realized that although I wanted to install database software on 3 nodes only, all the nodes
needed to be up and running whereas in my case, the node host05 was down at that time.

When I started the node host05 and reinvoked OUI, the database software was installed


I am Oracle ACE

It gives me immense pleasure to share the news that I have been honored with the prestigious  Oracle ACE award. I am grateful to Oracle ACE Program for accepting my nomination. I would like to thank  Murali Vallath Sir who nominated me for this award. I am also thankful to my family members without whose support and motivation, this would not have been possible.  Thanks a lot to all the readers of my blog whose comments and suggestions helped me to learn and share whatever little knowledge I have.

I will do my best to participate in the Oracle ACE program.