How to resolve the performance issues due to high clustering factor?
- Create a table organized which contains two columns - id(number) and txt (char)- Populate the table insert 34 records for each value of id where id ranges from 1 to 100- In this case as records are added sequentially, records for a key value are stored together
- Create another table unorganized which is a replica of the ‘organized’ table but records are inserted in a random manner so that records for a key value may be scattered across different blocks .
- Create a single table index cluster table from ‘unorganized’ table using CTAS.
- Create a single table hash cluster table from ‘unorganized’ table using CTAS
- Trace the query using exact match on three tables and verify that hash cluster table gives the best performance .
- Trace the query using range scan on three tables and verify that index cluster table gives the best performance .
- Verify that index and hash cluster tables have better clustering factor .
– Populate the table insert 34 records for each value of id where id ranges from 1 to 100
– In this case as records are added sequentially, records for a key value are stored together
create table organized (id number(3), txt char(900));
for i in 1..100 loop
insert into organized select i, lpad(‘x’, 900, ‘x’)
from dba_objects where rownum < 35;
end loop;
create table unorganized as select * from organized order by dbms_random.random;
create index unorganized_idx on unorganized(id);
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(USER, ‘unorganized’, estimate_percent => 100, method_opt=> ‘for all indexed columns size 254′);
– Create a single table index cluster table from ‘unorganized’ table using CTAS.
— Create a cluster with size = blocksize = 8k and index it
SQL> drop cluster index_cluster including tables;
create cluster index_cluster
( id number(3) )
size 8192;
create index index_cluster_idx
on cluster index_cluster;
drop table index_cluster_tab purge;
cluster index_cluster( id )
as select * from unorganized ;
create cluster Hash_cluster
( id number(3) )
size 8192 single table hash is id hashkeys 100 tablespace mssm;
( user, ‘UNORGANIZED’, cascade=>true ); dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
( user, ‘INDEX_CLUSTER_TAB’, cascade=>true ); dbms_stats.gather_table_stats
( user, ‘HASH_CLUSTER_TAB’, cascade=>true );
idx_tab.cnt index_cluster_blocks, hash_tab.cnt hash_cluster_blocks
( select id, count(distinct(dbms_rowid.ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER(rowid))) cnt
from unorganized
group by id) unorg,
( select id, count(distinct(dbms_rowid.ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER(rowid))) cnt
from index_cluster_tab
group by id) idx_tab,
( select id, count(distinct(dbms_rowid.ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER(rowid))) cnt
from hash_cluster_tab
group by id) hash_tab
where =
and =
order by id;
1 33 5 5
2 34 5 5
3 33 5 5
4 33 5 5
5 33 5 5
6 32 5 5
7 34 5 5
8 34 5 5
9 33 5 5
10 32 5 5
90 34 5 5
91 34 5 5
92 30 5 5
93 34 5 5
94 34 5 5
95 34 5 5
96 34 5 5
97 33 5 5
98 33 5 5
99 34 5 5
100 34 5 5
type tab_row is table of unorganized%rowtype;
tab_rows tab_row;
type id_val is table of;
id_vals id_val;
select distinct id bulk collect into id_vals
from unorganized; for k in id_vals.first .. id_vals.last
select * bulk collect into tab_rows
from unorganized
where id = k;
end loop;
type tab_row is table of index_cluster_tab%rowtype;
tab_rows tab_row;
type id_val is table of;
id_vals id_val; begin
select distinct id bulk collect into id_vals
from index_cluster_tab; for k in id_vals.first .. id_vals.last
select * bulk collect into tab_rows
from index_cluster_tab
where id = k;
end loop;
type tab_row is table of hash_cluster_tab%rowtype;
tab_rows tab_row;
type id_val is table of;
id_vals id_val; begin
select distinct id bulk collect into id_vals
from hash_cluster_tab; for k in id_vals.first .. id_vals.last
select * bulk collect into tab_rows
from hash_cluster_tab
where id = k;
end loop;
– Find out the name of trace file generatedSQL> col trace_file for a100
select value trace_file from v$diag_info
where upper(name) like ‘%TRACE FILE%';
/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl1/orcl1/trace/orcl1_ora_24963_cluster_factor.trc– Run tkprof utility on the trace file generated $cd /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace
rm cluster_factor.out tkprof /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl1/orcl1/trace/orcl1_ora_8403_cluster_factor.trc cluster_factor.out
vi cluster_factor.out
Here are the contents of the trace file:
In case of unorganized table, it can be seen that no. of blocks visited (3517) is approaches the number of rows (3400) in the table as rows for an id are scattered across a large no. of blocks.
SQL ID: 0npa78p7jkfa5
Plan Hash: 1120857569
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
——- —— ——– ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 100 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 100 0.01 0.02 0 3517 0 3400
——- —— ——– ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-
total 201 0.01 0.02 0 3517 0 3400
In case of single table index cluster,
Total I/O’s = I/O’s against the table + I/O’s against the table
i/O’s against the table = no. of table blocks across which various records for different id’s are stored
Since we saw earlier that records for each key value are scattered across 5 blocks,
I/O’s against the table = no. of distinct key values (id’s) * no. of blocks occupied by records for an id
= 100 * 5
= 500
Rest 100 I/O’s are made against against the index ( one I/O for each key value)
Hence total I/O’s = 100 + 500 = 600
SQL ID: 6qy378ww4729s
Plan Hash: 3651720007
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
——- —— ——– ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 100 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 100 0.00 0.00 0 600 0 3400
——- —— ——– ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-
total 201 0.00 0.00 0 600 0 3400
In case of single table hash cluster, as index access is not needed,
Total I/O’s = I/O’s against the table
= no. of distinct key values (id’s) * no. of blocks occupied by records for an id
= 100 * 5
= 500
SQL ID: ctnu91v20p2x2
Plan Hash: 3860562250
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
——- —— ——– ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-
Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Execute 100 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fetch 100 0.00 0.00 0 500 0 3400
——- —— ——– ———- ———- ———- ———- ———-
total 201 0.00 0.00 0 500 0 3400
Summarizing the above results :
unorganized index_cluster_tab hash_cluster_tab
total CPU 0.01 0.00 0.00
elapsed 0.01 0.02 0.00
I/O’s 3517 600 500
Hence, it can be concluded that for exact match queries hash clusters give the best performance since least no. of I/O’s are made.
- Trace the query using range scan on three tables and verify that index cluster table gives the best performance .
– Let’s compare the statistics when rows for entire range of id’s are retrieved from the three tables
tracefile_identifier = ‘cluster_factor';
trace_file for a100
In case of unorganized table, it can be seen that Full table scan is done and
total I/O’s = Physical I/O’s + logical I/O’s
= 486 + 489 = 975
CPU usage = 0.01
cpu elapsed disk
query current rows
—— ——– ———- ———-
———- ———- ———-
0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
0.01 0.01 486 489 0 3400
—— ——– ———- ———-
———- ———- ———-
0.01 0.01 486 489 0 3400
FILTER (cr=489 pr=486 pw=0
time=3524 us)
TABLE ACCESS FULL UNORGANIZED (cr=489 pr=486 pw=0 time=1888 us cost=127
size=3073600 card=3400)
total I/O’s = Physical I/O’s + logical I/O’s
= 385 + (501 + 1)
= 887
CPU usage = 0.01
<= :B1
cpu elapsed disk
query current rows
—— ——– ———- ———-
———- ———- ———-
0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
0.01 0.01 385 501 0 3400
—— ——– ———- ———-
———- ———- ———-
0.01 385 501 0 3400
cache during parse: 1
SYS (recursive depth: 1)
FILTER (cr=501 pr=385 pw=0
time=9441 us)
TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER INDEX_CLUSTER_TAB (cr=501 pr=385 pw=0 time=7679 us
cost=101 size=3073600 card=3400)
INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX_CLUSTER_IDX (cr=1 pr=0 pw=0 time=99 us cost=1
size=0 card=1)(object id 80458)
total I/O’s = Physical I/O’s + logical I/O’s
= 503 + 506
= 1009
CPU usage = 0.04
<= :B1
cpu elapsed disk
query current rows
—— ——– ———- ———-
———- ———- ———-
0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
0.04 0.04 503 506 0 3400
—— ——– ———- ———-
———- ———- ———-
0.04 0.04 503 506 0 3400
cache during parse: 1
SYS (recursive depth: 1)
FILTER (cr=506 pr=503 pw=0
time=39906 us)
TABLE ACCESS FULL HASH_CLUSTER_TAB (cr=506 pr=503 pw=0 time=37389 us
cost=132 size=3073600 card=3400)
total I/O’s 975 887 1009
CPU usage 0.01 0.01 0.04
Let’s compare clustering factor of indexes on the three tables.
Tables unorganized and index_cluster_tab already have index.
– Let’s create index on hash_cluster_tab and gather statistics .
SQL>create index hash_cluster_idx on hash_cluster_tab(id);
exec dbms_stats.gather_index_stats(USER, ‘HASH_CLUSTER_IDX’);
exec dbms_stats.gather_index_stats(USER, ‘INDEX_CLUSTER_IDX’);
– Find out clustering factor of the three tables.
SQL> select index_name, clustering_factor
from user_indexes
—————————— —————–
– Note that
– clustering factor of index on unorganized table approaches no. of rows in the table (3400).
– clustering factor of index on hash_cluster_tab table = 500 . As entries for each id are spread across 5 blocks, 500 blocks need to be accessed to get all the rows and index is aware of this information.
– clustering factor of index on index_cluster_tab table = 100 as there are 100 entries (one for each id) in the index. Here also 500 table blocks need to be accessed to get all the rows but index contains information about only the first(or may be the last) data block for an id. Rest 4 blocks containing records for that id are chained to it and index does not have that information and clustering factor of an index is computed on the basis of the information available in the index. That’s why clustering factor in this case = no. of index entries.
- Clustered tables cannot be truncated.
- Choosing the Key :Choosing the correct cluster key is dependent on the most common types of queries issued against the clustered tables. The cluster key should be on the column against which queries are most commonly issued.
- – Hash clusters are a great way to reduce IO on some tables, but they have their downside.
*If too little space is reserved for each
key (small SIZE value), or if the cluster is created with too few hash keys (small HASHKEYS), then each key will split across multiple blocks negating the benefits of the cluster.When creating a hash cluster, it is important to choose the cluster key correctly and set the HASH IS, SIZE, and HASHKEYS parameters so that performance and space use are optimal.
* If too much space is reserved for each key (large SIZE value), or if the cluster is created with too many hash keys (large
HASHKEYS), then the cluster will contain thousands of empty blocks that slow down full table scans . A SIZE value much larger results in wasted space.
- Hash clusters reduce contention and I/O since index is not accessed .When you use an index range scan + table access by index rowid, the root index block becomes a “hot block” causing contention for the cache buffers chains (cbc) latch and hence an increase in CPU usage.
- Hashing works best for exact match searches i.e. SELECT … WHERE cluster_key = …;
A properly sized hash cluster for a lookup table gives pretty much a SINGLE IO for a keyed lookup.
- Hash clusters should only really be used for tables which are static in size so that you can determine the number of rows and amount of space required for the tables in the cluster. If tables in a hash cluster require more space than the initial allocation for the cluster, performance degradation can be substantial because overflow blocks are required.
- Hash clusters should only really be used for tables which have mostly read-only data. The hash cluster will take marginally longer
to insert into since the data now has a “place” to go and maintaining this structure will take longer then maintaining a HEAP table .Updates do not provide much overhead unless the hashkey is being updated. - Hash clusters should not be used in applications where most queries on the table retrieve rows over a range of cluster key values where a hash function cannot be used to determine the location of specific hash keys and instead, the equivalent of a full table scan must be done to fetch the rows for the query:
- Hash clusters should not be used in applications where hash key is updated. The hashing values can not be recalculated and thus serious overflow can result.
- Hash clusters should not be used for tables which are not static and continually growing. If a table grows without limit, the space required over the life of the table (its cluster) cannot be predetermined.
- Hash clusters should not be used for when you cannot afford to pre-allocate the space that the hash cluster will eventually
need. - Hash clusters allocate all the storage for all the hash buckets when the cluster is created, so they may waste space.
- Full scans on single table hash clusters will cost as much as they would in a heap table.
- Index clusters should be used for the apllications where most queries on the table retrieve rows over a range of cluster key values. For example, in full table scans or queries such as the following:
SELECT . . . WHERE cluster_key < . . . ;
- With an index, key values are ordered in the index, so cluster key values that satisfy the WHERE clause of a query can be found with relatively few I/Os.
- Index clusters should be used for the tables which are not static, but instead are continually growing and the space required over the life of the table (its cluster) cannot be predetermined.
- Index clusters should be used for applications which frequently perform full-table scans on the table and the table is sparsely populated. A full-table scan in this situation takes longer under hashing.
- Cluster index has one entry per cluster key and not for each row. Therefore, the index is smaller and less costly to access for finding multiple rows.
Related links:
Clustering Factor Demystified Part-I
Clustering Factor Demystified Part-II
Direct Read Enhancements in 11g
SQL Profile Demystified : Part – I
SQL Profile Demystified Part – II
Undocumented Parameters in Oracle 11g
Hi Anju!
Thanks for sharing, very good article!
Thanks for your time Mahir!
Hi Anju Garg,
Please explain about “Cache Buffer Chain”
– How database buffer cache divide to CBCs ?
– How many buffers in one CBC ?